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Wine Kits



Home Made Wine is Simple, Fun, & Economical

Making home made wine has never been this EASY. A gallon of water and 4 cups of sugar is all that is necessary to make wine. Add it to a Red or White wine mix, and in 28 days you have your very own custom made wine. Add juices, and the variations become limitless. See suggestions at bottom of this page. Enjoy the fun.

Fox Frog Wine Kits

Red Wine Kit (# RWK)
Price: $1.50

Shipping costs are quoted at the bottom of this page.

You may order by using PayPal or
selecting "Order Form" on navigation bar.

A bicycle; Actual size=240 pixels wide

White Wine Kit (# WWK)
Price: $1.50

Shipping costa are quoted at the bottom of this page.

You may order by using PayPal or
selecting "Order Form" on the navigation bar.

A water bottle; Actual size=180 pixels wide

"2 Popper" follws these instructions


" The  2  Popper "


For first time users who might have a hard time finding a glass gallon jar, we suggest the "plastic clear pop bottle method".  You will need the following:
  • One Wine kit (makes 1 gallon), either red or white.
  • Measuring cup, measuring spoons and a funnel.
  • Two clean 2 liter (1/2 gallon) plastic soda pop bottles.
  • Two pieces of plastic wrap (you may use wax paper or foil) and two rubberbands. 
  • Pin
  • Optional: 1/2 cup of juice

After approx. 28 days the following are optional:

  • Balloon
  • Siphon hose
  • Cheesecloth
Dissolve 4 cups of white sugar (a few ounces less for very dry wine, and a few ounces more for very sweet wine) in 4 cups of hot water using only one container (for now leave the other container empty).  When sugar and hot water are completely dissolved, add 4 cups of cold water and allow mixture to cool -DON'T rush this cooling process.  When mixture is cool, add wine ingredients from foil pouch (NOTE: If you add the wine ingredients to hot or warm water you will get a lot of foam and a very big mess).  If you are using the optional method of adding 1/2 cup of juice, add the juice now.  Remember, adding 1/2 cup of juice is the equivalent of adding additional sugar, so be sure to adjust the amount of sugar you add accordingly.


Add COLD water to contents.  Fill bottle with cold water until it is approximately 2/3 to 3/4 full.  Cover cap and gently shake bottle until sugar and wine ingredients are completely dissolved.

Divide contents of bottle in Step 2 equally between the two bottles.  Be as EXACT as possible with this division.  If the division is not done accuratly, the finished wine from one bottle will taste slightly different than the wine from the other bottle.

Add COLD water to both bottles and fill each 2 inches from the top (MIX WELL).  Wrap a piece of plastic to each bottle top and fasten with a rubber band.  Pierce plastic with a pin several times.  Store in a warm environment (70 to 80 degrees F) away from direct sunlight.  Fermentation depends on the temperature.  Above 80 usually results in a faser fermentation, below 70 will take longer.
Be sure to mark the starting date on the container.  If you are adding 1/2 cup of juice, note the type or combination of juices used.

Verify that the fermentation (no tiny bubbles rising, usually around 6 to 8 weeks) is complete.
Suggestion: To verify that wine has completely fermented before going to Step 6, attach a balloon over the mouth of the bottle.  Leave the wine until the balloon stops expanding (usually 2-3 days).  If the balloon does not expand, then your wine is ready for Step 6.
You now must seperate the wine in the bottle from the sediment, which also is in the bottle on the bottom.  There are two methods:
(1) Slowly and carefully pour the wine out of the bottle.  You must be extremely careful not to disturb the sediment on the bottom of the bottle.  Using a piece of cheesecloth as a strainer will be helpful if you choose this method.
(2) Siphon the wine, as shown in Step 6, into a seperate bottle.  Remember to be extremely careful not to disturb the sediment on the bottom
Now taste your wine.  Keep in mind that it is about 12% alcohol by volume.  If the wine is to dry and you prefer it to be sweeter, add sugar and stir vigorously.
Store in refrigerator, and after chilling your wine is ready to enjoy as a drink or used in cooking or other recipes.  If at this time a slight yeasty flavor is present, allow wine to age longer at a cold temperature.
Additional information is listed below.

Alcohol Content is 12% - Don't drink too much

Your wine may be used as they come (red of white), however, most winemaker's choose to create their own flavorWhen you reach Step 1 (above), after you add water, you may add up to one cup of grape juice to the water (for first time winemaker's we suggest 1/2 cup as described in the above directions), OR 1/2 cup grape juice and 1/2 cup cranberry juice, OR 1/2 cup grape 1/4 cup cranberry and 1/4 cup apple juice, OR any combination of juices which you feel would satisfy your taste.  You may use juices as they come from the store (apple juice, grape juice, prune juice, etc) or you may squeeze the juice from the fruit of your choice.  Some examples of fruit which you may squeeze juice from are: blueberries, cranberries, grapes, cherries, strawberries, red of black raspberries, dewberries, sugar pears, sugar plums, wild raisins, squashberries, pineapple, peaches, etc.  The above are only examples, however, with a few juices you can see that the combinations of flavors you can create are just about limitless.
With few execptions, the more fruit juice you use in making your wine, the fruitier tasting (sweeter) will be the outcome, so remember to adjust the amount of sugar added.  If you add too much fruit juice you will have a problem in that it is not possible to "defruit" wine.  The best way to salvage your creation, if you have added to much fruit juice, is to blend it with other wine made from the same fruit.  Best advice here is to start with small amounts of juice and gradually increase amounts until you obtain a desired flavor.
We suggest that you use regular sugar, cane or beet.  Brown sugar or honey should be used only when you have done your research.  Unrefined brown sugar is usually imported, and domestic brown sugar usually has molasses added to refined sugar.  Honey contains pollen, which requires a long time to settle, and even when settled seems to get disturbned just by looking at it!
Be sure to label the wine you created as to date bottled and what type of and/or combination of juice(s) was added, otherwise, you will certainly come up with the greatest tasting wine without remembering the ingredients.  If possible we suggest using glass or wood rather that plastic for a container.  Again, it is important to remember that when your wine is finished in approx. 28 days (depending on your altitute), that you do not disturb the sediment which has settled at the bottom of your container while pouring out your wine.
If you have choosen to make a lot of wine it is best to store your finished wine in a cool, dry and dark environment (Just like what's done in a real wine cellar).  Remember, you wine will improve with age.
NOTE: If there are chunks in your wine package, break them up into a powder using a spoon or your fingures prior to mixing.
WHAT IF NOTE:  What if you disturb the sediment?  Place your wine container down and wait for the sediment to settle.  Depending on how severe you disturbed the sediment will determine how long the container needs to set.  We suggest 1 to 10 days.  Any sediment in your finished product will result in a terrible tasting wine. 
NEVER use HOT water to make your wine.
If this is your first attempt at making wine, we suggest that you start with only one gallon.

How to Order

You may order Fox Frog products in two ways:
1) Use your credit card through PayPal
2) Mail payment by selecting the Order Form on the Navigation Bar.

INTERNATIONAL ORDERS - please e-mail for quote
All Wine is shipped USPS Priority Mail. 
Quanity               Price  
1 to 11 units       $6.00
12 to 16 units     $8.00
17 & up              E-mail zip code for quote