New Hope Lutheran Church
September 25, 2000


Student Ministries
September 11, 2000
September 25, 2000
October 9, 2000
December 5, 2000
February 23, 2001
May 13, 2001
August 2002
September 2002
November 2002
December 2002
January 2003
February 2003
March 2003
April 2003
May 2003

Things continue to go very well here. I am already beginning my sixth
week of teaching. It seems like just yesterday that I got here, even though
it's been almost a month and a half! The missionary/volunteer team here is
just great-- very supportive, loving, and talented. I think that makes the
time go by so much faster. And my roommate and i get along great. There
are also two other volunteer teachers right now. All four of us are single,
twentysomethings with so much in common. It's going to be a great year.
Praise God!
Classes are also going great. There are only two more weeks remaining
in this term. Then we have a three week break before starting up again.
The schedule is already put together for the coming term and I will be
teaching 10 classes, up from my current load of 7. Some of my classes are
new for me next term, but many are similar or the same so the time needed
for preparation is going to be much less.
My Christian conversation with Taw is also going great. I gave him his
first Bible two weeks ago and he is faithfully reading the book of Mark. He
continues to slowly grow and learn in his new faith. Please continue to
pray for him.
Pech, another student of mine, attended Journey Into Light Chruch
yesterday with her husband! This was a big step for her. It has been
difficult for her to worship because her husband is a devout Buddhist. She
indicated to me in class on Saturday that God had answered her prayers
because her husband had no qualms about her coming to church here. In fact,
he wanted to join her. Please pray for both Pech and her husband.
"If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so
that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the
glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen" (1 Peter 4:11)

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New Hope Lutheran Church is a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. 
We thank you for your interest, prayers, and support.  May God bless you and keep you!