Fox Tax 2008
Fox Tax building (early 1900's). Notice horses, brick street. |
566 North Main Street
Oshkosh, WI 54901-4925
Ph:(920) 235-7077 Fax:(920) 235-6498
Monday - Friday -- 9:00
AM - 8:00 PM
Saturday --
9:00 AM - 3:00
Sunday --
All Prices Include Federal & WI Electronic Filing
Long Form*
Prepare & E-File Federal & State
--- $50
Short Form*
Prepare & E-File Federal & State --- $25 - $35
Homestead* --- $25 - $30 ($15 to $20 if included with Federal/State returns)
Prepare & E-File Federal & State --- $15 & up
If we prepare & e-file a tax return, we will prepare
& e-file
Federal & State for each dependent on the return for $15 & up
*Additional forms, schedules, and input --- $5 and up.
Example: Sch A - $5; enter 30 W-2's - $10; excessive stock
transactions, etc.
Information is released to those who signed the tax return and legal request(s) (IRS and courts
with jurisdiction).
It's EASY to SAVE $100
Compare what you walk out the door with when you leave Fox Tax to
just about any other large tax preparer. We get you the same refund
but charge approx. $100 less !!!.
Some will ask "why
we charge so little" and we will ask "why did you paid so much?".

How Should I Do It ?
Live to far from Fox Tax to drive? Do conditions to drive cause problems? Here is what to do:
- Go to and enter all your information. This site is designed to obtain as much information as possible in order to insure
you receive your largest refund.
- Mail 1 copy of W-2(s); 1099R; 1099G; non-cash donations receipts (only
if amounts exceed $499); Rent Certificate or Real Estate tax bill IF claiming WI Homestead credit;
etc. to Fox Tax if you have any of them. Note: Any form which has Federal or State
withholding must be mailed.
- It is not necessary to mail: Real Estate tax bill; mortgage interest paid; interest received forms (1098); social security
cards; cash donations; dividend and stock notices.
- Do NOT mail a deposit ticket for infomation on your routing number and account number since some deposit
tickets have different numbers.
- Having problems with Homestead? There is no April 15th deadline for WI Homestead. You have
years to file. If a landlord will not sign your rent cetificate, copies of cancel checks, money orders, receipts, should
be sent in lieu of rent certificate.

If Fox Tax makes any error in the prepartaion of your tax return(s) that result in you paying interest or penalty on additional
taxes due, Fox Tax will pay the interest and penalty. Fox Tax will not pay the additional taxes in that it would have been
your responsibility in the first place. If your income tax return is audited, Fox Tax will appear with you at the audit
at no charge to explain the preparation of your return. Fox Tax can not be, or considered, your legal representative.

Note: Oshkosh office usually only open
on Monday AM's
Appleton, WI Wisconsin
Department of Revenue is open 5 days a week.
265 W Northland
Ph:(920) 832-2727
TTY Numbers (use only if you have TTY equipment)
TTY (Madison) Ph:(608) 267-1049 TTY (Milwaukee) Ph:(414) 227-4147
Wisconsin Department of Revenue Offices.
Customer assistance: 2135 Rimrock Rd PO Box 8949 Madison, WI 53708-8949 Ph:(608)
266-2772 e-mail: Forms request: PO Box 8951 Madison, WI 53708-8951
Ph:(608) 266-1961 e-mail:
State Office Bldg. 819 N. 6th St., Rm. 408 Milwaukee, WI 53203-1682 Income Tax Information: Ph:(414) 227-4000
Forms Request: Ph:(414) 227-4440
265 W. Northland Ave. Appleton, WI 54911-2091
Eau Claire
State Office Bldg. 718 W. Clairemont Ave. Eau Claire, WI 54701-6190 Ph:(715) 836-2811
Other WDOR offices
Offices are open on a limited schedule (generally Mondays).
Baraboo, Beaver Dam, Elkhorn, Fond du Lac, Grafton, Green Bay, Hayward, Hudson, Janesville, Kenosha, LaCrosse, Lancaster,
Marinette, Marshfield, Monroe, Racine, Rhinelander, Rice Lake, Sheboygan, Superior, Tomah, Watertown, Waukesha, Wausau, and
Wisconsin Rapids.

Taxpayer Advocate Service for Wisconsin
Taxpayer Advocate
310 W Wisconsin Ave, Stop 1005-MIL
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Phone (414) 297-3046
Fax (414) 297-3362